[ a b s i l e n c e ]

Saturday, August 10, 2002

went to acura of pleasanton today and saw the RSX in person...
i really really like it. like way over the matrix.

so we'll see where it goes.

but my parents are very iffy...not to mention there were looking at the car in 110 degree weather...

can't say they enjoyed it as much as i did.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

so i went to albertson's with my dad tonight to get distilled water...

and while waiting in line...there was this really skanky like 30 year old lady or something...

and like...something about her figure struck me as really odd or something...

so i was looking her up and down wondering what was wrong when i think i saw it.

she had the standard female wide hips...but like..her butt didn't exactly "fill" out like most people do...

it was like...flattish...and her pants were just kinda hanging off her waist...and her butt then like reappeared like...further down...like..where a mom would spank her kid...

and it was just really odd...and it just freaked the shit out of me for some reason, so i told my dad i needed to call gary and like...walked outside all freaked the crap out...

why i have no clue....


Wednesday, August 07, 2002

i was holding my dog when my mother's students were leaving...

and his heart beat REALLY REALLY fast...

I know dogs already have a very fast heart rate, but what i felt thru his chest was ludicrous...

and then he took four deep breaths and calmed himself...

which kind of took me by surprise because he did what humans would do in the situation.


Tuesday, August 06, 2002

had a relatively non-exciting day today...

found that the Acura RSX, Toyota Matrix and Honda Civic EX are all apart by 1000...

And those are the choices of car that I want to get...

I hear a lot of people saying I'm hella spoiled, and I should just take whatever car my parents give me just because I'm getting a new car.

I talked to my parents about this, and they want me to get a decent car for my first car, and they want to get whatever I want as long as it's within a price range. so there's the rebuttal to THAT.

i already smile when my parents say they're going to buy me a NEW car. so yeah.


i got a great phone call from Tim in San Diego today...ahhaha ( suai4 ge1!!! ) he just wanted to check up on me and see how i was doing. it felt good to hear from him...of all the people i met in SD, he seemed one of the most real people i met...

then i got some kind of voice message so i checked it, and it really creeped me out...

it sounded like a busy tone clouded in static, but it was 80% static so i couldn't tell...it went at a steady beat for a while and then stopped. I stood there for about 40 seconds listening and getting creeped out more and more...

I finally deleted it quickly...

for some reason, it really scared the crap out of me, but i'm really not sure what it was....

Monday, August 05, 2002

basically andrew (bleached hair andrew) has told me several things, and i have decided to stay here at blogger...

one for the utility...and two for the privacy...

i don't know how much privacy i'm getting, but it doesn't seem like anyone's reading this...but having had a conversation with andrew, i'm feeling more at ease about the lack of visitors.

i'm still talking to andrew now...but he's made think about many things...how i value the friends i have and the people i confide in...

there was a situation today that called upon the people i needed most today....

i called gary up after the situation simmered a bit, and he walked right over to my house, even though it was getting really dark. he didn't even ask any questions, he just came right over. i love him for that.

during my walk with gary, i kept imagining the phone call i would give rachel about the situation. i kept imagining her doling out sympathy to me and the like...but when i actually talked to her on aim ( a poor excuse for a communication line ), she didn't do as i thought, but kept the situation grounded and down to earth. she cut the crap and told me what i needed to know, what i needed to hear, and most importantly, what i didn't need to hear. i love her for that.

and finally for tonight, andrew...the bleached hair andrew....some of the things he says are so simple, and yet it clicks so loudly in my mind...some things he says just make so much more sense, and not only does it clear the fog of confusion, but it also brings in the light...i've always valued him as a friend because of his helpfulness, his resourcefulness and his ...andrewness but that love and valued friendship hasn't appeared clearer than it has today...

it just seems like after talking to andrew, everything has become crystal.

i like this feeling.

it feels good.