i just had the most satisfying dinner in San Diego yet...
i had cold noodles topped with green onion, seaweed and wasabi.
dipped into a bowl of tsuyu...man....it was GREAT....
i swear i could eat cold noodles all the time...
i guess if i don't know what to cook, i'll just cook cold noodles...
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
i finally got my blog up and working again...
just needed to do a little research and give absilence some tlc...
everyone's moved in by now...and classes start tomorrow...
so we'll see how it goes....
cold noodles for dinner tonight...!
Monday, September 23, 2002
Dream Post:
i don't remember the dream all that well...but ok...here goes, kay?
I was working for a newspaper of some sort, and it's the 10 year anniversary of some movie...it was like...The Never Ending Story or SOMETHING...
i had to interview the actors/actresses on the cover of this movie for the article...i really can't remember what kind or what movie it was...the basic idea is that it's SOME movie made 10 years ago, and i had to interview the actors/actresses after 10 years: the little actors/actresses have grown up type deal...and the older actors/actresses have matured more since then, things like that.
and so i was ordered to go...
and i met a guy with a clipboard who simply just would not let me through to do interviews...i told him that i was a news reporter and that i needed to talk to the actors/actresses for my story, and he simply replied, "Yeah...well EVERYONE'S a news reporter."
at this point I was thinking: "FUCK!"
however, i was really lucky or something because Tom Hanks, the guy in the 10 year old movie tells the guy with the clipboard to relax and just lets me through. he explains to me that i was the only newsreporter to bother them today, and so he was up for a little interview with me "as long as it stays casual, you know?" i just kinda laughed and agreed with him.
so we sat down near the dressing room table. i asked tom where i could find the other people in the movie. he said that Britney Spears (hey i don't know! it was there!) was right next to me sitting at the cosmetics seat type deal. sure enough, she turned her head and said, "oh, hi tom! hi...uh....what's your name?"
so i replied that my name was jonathan and she extended her hand to shake mine and she says "oh, hi jonathan! my name's britney." and i just kind of reply "i know..."
i asked tom and britney about the other people, val kilmer and some other random golden haired actress who was in her 30's like 10 years ago...and they both said that they were on leave or something and wasn't going to be here for a while...
so i took advantage of the fact that tom and britney were together in the same place, and i started interviewing them..
me: do you guys regret ever making this movie? (the 10 year old one)
britney: no, of course not. granted it didn't launch my career or anything, but it certainly made me happy about where i was at the time.
tom: no...i don't ever regret making any movie. except one.
me: which one?
tom: castaway. i did get a good tan though, ha!
britney: but that was a good movie! and i looooved wilson!
tom: ack.
me: i liked wilson too, haha
tom: by the time the film was over, i was pretty much ready to kill wilson.
me: hahhahaha!
tom: seriously!
me: ok ok...britney...have there been any particular things you regret?
britney: not really...i've been pretty successful and i really owe people a lot for that. i wouldn't take it back for the world.
me: alright...tom? what about you?
tom: well...as i said...castaway...i don't know what else i truly truly regret...i loved apollo13...
me: so did i...just off the record though...the one thing i think you should never regret is "road to perdition".
tom: *chuckle* yeaaaa.....i enjoyed making "road to perdition". don't worry jonathan, i won't ever regret "road to perdition".
britney: yeah! never regret that movie! now that was a good movie. i liked it a lot.
tom: thanks, britney.
and then at that point, my memory just doesn't work anymore....it kinda went black in my mind...so i don't know...
weird though, huh?
but i guess it's cool that i sat down with tom hanks...and...britney spears....