i've somewhat resolved to make my blog more interesting, like my first few posts on green tea......since i don't post that much, I might as well go for quality, right?
well...i was in philosophy today when i realized that i want to draw some more.
hah. i specifically want to draw elephants and hippos...funny grey skinned animals...
i'm really not sure what else to day...
oh YEAH...
turn your sound up on this, the announcer talks about some crucial information. (just right click and save).
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
oh yes. read every other word.
i rae! think rae! i rae! got rae! the rae! problem rae! with rae! my rae! computer rae! solved rae! ....atlas rae! micro rae! just rae! sent rae! me rae! another rae! case rae! fan....
rae! so rae! far rae! so rae! good rae! ....i rae! played rae! warcraft rae! iii rae! at rae! the rae! highest rae! resolution rae! i rae! could rae! handle rae! with rae! all rae! detail rae! up rae! and rae! it rae! looked rae! GOOD....
rae! and rae! it rae! didn't rae! over rae! rae! heat... rae! so rae! i rae! think rae! everything rae! is rae! good.
anyway rae! ...i rae! vow rae! to rae! listen rae! to rae! clarity rae! sometime rae! in rae! the rae! future rae! ....right rae! now rae! ...
i rae! need rae! to rae! get rae! milk rae! for rae! my rae! oatmeal rae! iced rae! cookies rae! .
::runs screaming into the kitchen::