for some reason this morning, my head's extremely full of thoughts, and yet none.
there's a whole ton of just thoughts, ideas and problems that are running through my head, and when i try to stop one to think about, it just goes, "oops, nope, sorry." and keeps running.
i'm hoping that my first class will help bring my attention to focus, because if it doesn't, i'm pretty much screwed for the day.
i'm pretty sure it's not lack of sleep because i slept enough last night.
whatever it is, it better go away fast...class is coming up in about 15-20 minutes.
Friday, March 07, 2003
evanescence cd has arrived: so far so good.
check this newsflash...
this is the price we pay for having a world with an emphasis on grades and scores.
no way to deal with the masses without numbers and grades...
no way to deal with the masses with numbers and grades.
i can still remember my parent's friends clipping audrey's article and and displaying shock at the fact that a valedictorian cheated. nothing new people. it's school. deal. rules are being bent every single day...the rules of engagement, rules of war, rules of school, rules of honesty.
nothing new.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
haven't had much to post.
waiting for my 100 pack of CDs to come with my Evanescence CD...
otherwise...not much new...
Monday, March 03, 2003
i'm at school right now.
for some reason, all i can think of is food.
i keep smelling ramen noodles in soup, and then all i can think about is food.
god have mercy on my hungry-ass soul.
Sunday, March 02, 2003
/begin rant.
watching my apartmentmate make a strawberry smoothie is like watching a gimp guy run a mile, but that's not a very good analogy.
allow me to explain:
so i heard a voice in the kitchen, asking me if i could make a strawberry smoothies out of my strawberries.
first he cleans out the blender by sticking dish soap into the blender, proceeding to comment how dirty the blender was.
secretly, i just felt frustrated with him just because he's probably the one in the apartment LEAST concerned with how clean things were, pans, dishes, whatever.
he then takes out like 8 frozen strawberries and sticks them in the blender and proceeds to beat them to pieces without any liquid.
ok, fine...that culinary school. for chopping meat or veggies. he then proceeds to continually hit the pulse button until the strawberries are all in little tiny chunks.
then he adds like a tablespoon of milk and turns the blender on. it barely does anything.
"why, is it not going all smoothie like?"
"uh. you need liquid mark. to get it to go."
he adds more milk, turns it on, and it doesn't do anything.
"why is it STILL not going?!"
"uh. more liquid."
so this keeps going and repeating until he's added nearly a quart of milk.
and the strawberries are still sticking to the side of the blender.
"this is a LOT more than i thought it would be."
"mark, you're methodology is all wrong. you beat the strawberries, and get them to stick to the side of the blender, and then you add milk to try to get it all smoothie like? it doesn't work like that."
" can suck it. where is the sugar?"
he grabs the sugar from the cupboard, and puts in like a cup of sugar.
i kind of gawk at the amount of sugar he just dumped in. i could visibly see the smoothie go UP volumetrically.
he then goes and beats the sugar in. i retreat back to my room, muttering something to justin about watching mark making a smoothie being agonizingly painful.
mark comes in, and he's drinking his smoothie, and he's like..."wow...there's so much here."
i'm just sitting here with a satisfied smirk knowing that he's lactose intolerant and he's got nearly a quart of milk in there.
i don't hate him, but the way he does things just aren't efficient, nor are they smart. but the thing is, he's intelligent, and sometimes brilliant. but simple things like this just make me seriously doubt his existence.
/end rant
i know it's sunday...but i've just been putting off blogging for a while...
i went to a concert on thursday with something corporate and the juliana was okay....not what i was expecting...but then again, it was free, so i can't argue.
on friday, i didn't really do anything...
saturday i worked a little, and then went skating in the evening with mike's friend chris.
and today...i worked some, and then watched some tv and what not. back to work. or something....