[ a b s i l e n c e ]

Thursday, August 08, 2002

so i went to albertson's with my dad tonight to get distilled water...

and while waiting in line...there was this really skanky like 30 year old lady or something...

and like...something about her figure struck me as really odd or something...

so i was looking her up and down wondering what was wrong when i think i saw it.

she had the standard female wide hips...but like..her butt didn't exactly "fill" out like most people do...

it was like...flattish...and her pants were just kinda hanging off her waist...and her butt then like reappeared like...further down...like..where a mom would spank her kid...

and it was just really odd...and it just freaked the shit out of me for some reason, so i told my dad i needed to call gary and like...walked outside all freaked the crap out...

why i have no clue....



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