So I was talking to Ming this morning, and I see this in her profile:
Flying Emu Inc: you're such a slut
Flying Emu Inc: HA HAHA HA
Flying Emu Inc: actually "nympho" would be a much better word than "slut"
So naturally I’m intrigued….when the hell did Ming go from:
Normal weightless girl with 6 pack abs (or so she claims…) -> slut -> nympho
So things go and keep going and the next thing you know, we’re back on the topic on the guy who hit on Ming in Taiwan during her vacation with the “I’ll buy you a coke!” deal.
And then slowly something develops. A plot. A story. Something out of Family Guy.
original conversation: check here
A Tourist Trip to Taiwan, Lunch at some random food backstop.
Guy Hitting On Ming, a.k.a, GHOM. Which could also be mistaken for GoHOMe. Get it? HAHAAHA…any way.
Jon and Ming are sitting there eating…oh…let’s…say burgers.
GHOM: hey, would you like a coke?
Ming and Jon at the same time: I don’t like coke.
(Ming: and Jon: look at each other.)
Ming: : I think he was talking to me.
Jon: ::mutters:: fuck.
GHOM: I’m straight…just to let…everyone here…know.
Jon: hey, hey. fuck you. It was an honest mistake.
Ming: ::pats Jon:: it’s okay Jon, you’re just clinically unstable.
Jon: hey, hey, screw you too. (pops into Tare-Jon, goes back to eating burger.)
GHOM: anyway. Would you like a coke?
Ming: No…I don’t like coke.
GHOM: oh okay!
(GHOM walks off.)
Tare-Jon: fucking bastard.
Ming: Jon! what a terrible thing to say!
(Anime anger veins pop out all over Jon’s head.)
(GHOM comes back.)
GHOM: hey! I got you a coke!
Ming: didn’t I say I don’t like coke?
Tare-Jon: ::mutters:: yes. yes you did.
GHOM: but here’s a coke anyway! I bought it for you!
Ming: ::french accent:: I reject your coke. I sink you.
Tare-Jon: (rolling on floor laughing) AAAAHAHAAHAH you poor fool! AAAAAHAHAHAHA!
GHOM: (dips his head in shame.)
Tare-Jon: okay Ming, I’ll buy you a coke!
Ming: ::french accent:: shut up, I sink you too.
Tare-Jon: oh. poo.
::Ming pops into Tare-Ming::
(Tare-Jon and Tare-Ming happily skip into the sunset when…)
Tare-Ming: SHOVE! (shoves Tare-Jon)
(Tare-Jon caught in midair, falls heavily to the ground)
Tare-Jon: ::anime tears:: You’re so mean!!
The End.
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