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Sunday, December 07, 2003

So, to recap what happened this last week:

Turned in Econ120B HW. Tried to do it at home, but totally couldn't. Ended up asking Vince for help from his EconTutor notes. Oh well.
Worked on USP Paper with group and then chilled for a little bit before going home and working on it some more. 1000 words max. Does that even count as a paper?

Went to 172A, consequently got BORED out of my mind. I hate Sobel. He looks like a nice guy, and he's totally nerdy...but goddamn, he can be cruel, unusual, and just downright fucking mean. I'm sure he's a good guy, great father, all that....but he was just mean to me.
Turned in USP paper with group, sat around for the "Little Italy" presentation, consequently got bored out of my mind since their project might've been investigative, but it was just downright boring. I left early, went home and started on my 175 homework, stopped at the calculations. Couldn't do it at all.

Sat through 175.
Sat through 120B with Calvin sitting next to me and studying.
After, went to the EconTutor. Not too bad. Had good times with friends, that's for sure...hahah

Turned in 172A homework, with a feeling of satisfaction. Understood 4/5 of the homework, which isn' t great, but definitely better than not understanding it at all.
Went to USP. Sat through class, and found out that we got a freakin 100% on our Rocky Horror Project. I wanted to hug the TA right there. The other girls in our group was like "I'd totally kiss/do you right now." Of course our TA wasn't in earshot, but that was definitely on their minds. 100% on my project, with an 88% on the midterm, and definitely at least an 85% on participation...that just means that I can slack off on the final, which is the last final of this week. YES. The final's from 7-10 pm. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Got 175 homework from a really nice and sweet girl, friend of a friend. She hand copied everything so we could read it...and there was a LOT OF SHIT. There was no wonder I couldn't do the 175 homework on Tuesday at all.

Turned in 175 Homework.
Sat through 120B.
Sat through 175 Review Session, which was mostly crap.
Studied for about an hour and fifteen minutes in the library with Calvin and Jason. Was hella productive too!
Went home, got car, got a friend, and then met up with other DSPers @ SunGod to go to Tajima.

We waited outside for 30 minutes, and when we ate it was closer to 9 o'clock than anything.
When we got inside, I ordered Wasabi Marinated Octopus. HOLY COW, SO SO SO GOOD. Robert and I just kept eating it and eating it. We even convinced Dan, Angie and Ray to try some. It was just a great time. Watched Calvin and Vince crank through 13 plates of Shabu Shabu sliced beef, and watched Melody turn pink.

Hung out at Calvin's after, studied for 2-3.5 hours with Calvin and Jason, and then went home to sleep.

Woke up, studied 120B a little, kicking my own ass in the process.
Went to DSP Regional Banquet at 6 pm. Was pretty fun, but didn't stick around for the festivities. Felt the obligation to go home and study.
So study I did, and by 1:30am, Econ120B was kicking my ass again. Went to sleep.

Went to breakfast with Provincial VP of DSP and Regional VP of DSP with a couple of DSPers. Not too bad, got some really good shrimp, bacon, sausage, steak, potatoes, waffles and horchata. (It was Acapulco, the mexican restaurant.) Definitely had fun. Came home, crashed for about another hour...(food coma dammit.) and now i'm here, baking cookies and writing in my blog.

This entry was pretty boring, but Finals Week is spooling up. We'll see how things go, eh?


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