[ a b s i l e n c e ]

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

i've had a very long day.
i'll make it very short for you however.

fuck that you get to sit there and read me bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

0900 - wake up
0915 - go to piano lessons
0930 - arrive at piano lessons
0945 - find that i didn't know the piece as well as i did.
1020 - finish piano lessons
1021 - mom comes ~ ends up talking to piano teacher for a while (they're friends)\
1050 - we leave.
1055 - arrive at fry's electronics to return the shitty rice cooker we bought
1120 - realize we didn't give tuition to the piano teacher, so we headed back and gave it to her
1140 - arrive home. heat left over kfc.
1200 - watch "east meets west" on the food network while eatching chicken.
1230 - finish "east meets west" and finish chicken. proceed to go upstairs to surf net and check email.
1300 - wonder where gary is
1312 - mike and his dad come by and check how much shiz i got to put in the posted by arc at 11:19 PM


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