[ a b s i l e n c e ]

Sunday, April 25, 2004

i started an entry, but left a couple of things out, so i'm going to give the straight new stuff that's been happening.

in cutting edge, Q and A format!!

Q) meep. meep. the horn on your car suck. what'd you do about them>

A) i got them replaced with FREEWAY BLASTERS. Stand in front of my car now, YO. that's the good news. the bad news? i've caught the car modding itch. i've been saving. so bad. so bad.

Q) have you started splinter cell: pandora tomorrow?

A) no.

Q) what you do last thursday?

A) apparently i skipped UIS again. i had my two midterms, hung out with dan right after until 9pm when he had to leave. i then came back, wrote my paper until 3.

Q) stop boring me with this shit. give me something interesting.

A) you'd have to have seen me lately to allow me to talk about something interesting.

Q) ok, screw you dude. what happened on friday?

A) i got out of class and hung out with Ray for a while before going home. i then picked up Kai (ask Dan. he knows.) to go to Costco, picked up a lot of food and then came back, went to the Vendor Fair cleanup. after the cleanup, Kai and I bummed around with Mr. Decepticon, got food, went shopping for a BBQ and then hung out.

Q) ok, saturday?

A) that's a loaded question. LONG DAY.


Afternoon: went to a boring ass tea ceremony for extra credit with AE|Jamie.

Q) ok dude. who the hell is AE|Jamie?

A) she's an apartment mate of a pledge brother. she's this cute asian girl who apparently is viet, but can speak both forms of chinese (i'm jealous.) and loves American Eagle Outfitters. hence, AE|Jamie.

Q) ...whatever. keep going.

A ) Afternoon: picked up Decepticon and Robert from Petco Park after their training. dropped them off, picked up a grill and went to a BBQ.

Evening: grilled it up, ate steaks, played video games, had a little bit of everything to drink last night.

Late Evening: Viejas with Kai, Rob and two of his friends, Lanh and Bon. Fricking crazy. We were there until 445 AM man. I just woke up today at 3.

Q) 3

A) yes.

Q) OKAY, WHATEVER. what you eating?

A) currently nothing but i want to eat smoked salmon, crackers and cherry tomatoes. i plan on making strawberry syrup later today. got a huge box of strawberries at costco along with an angel food cake. YEAH, that's right, Strawberry Smothered Angel Food Cake. YEAH.

Q) anything else we should be aware of?

A) my car can power my laptop and my speakers.

Q) fucking freak.

and i'm done. time for food!


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