as i have promised! i'm here! with new pictures and a new update!
i just got my stuff transferred to a new server, so all's done and fixed.
a) i did go fishing. i also got super baked. want to see the comparison between my white white thigh and my dark dark arm?
b) super crazy fog today. you see the Applied Physics and Mathematics Building? just barely. and it was 75 degrees out today.
c) had a fantastic memorial day weekend in los angeles. got to see bruce almighty which was freakin funny. go see it! also got to see rachel and catch up some...frikkin seven weeks.
d) got a pair of ten dollar pants at gap in during the weekend too. check it! if you look carefully, you can see the 49.50 original price tag.
e) thirsty cat. just random.
f) i'm working as a Course And Professor Evaluation Runner. basically i get to stand in front of classes and hand out evaluation sheets. 8.16 an hour, which isn't bad seeing as how I usually don't even work a full hour. i've earned good money, and i like that idea. which reminds me, i should check my deposits.
g) our walkthrough for our apartment is this friday. i'm not really nervous or worried, but you know those ninja stars in the walls? they gotta come out and the holes have got to get patched up.
h) i got my econ120a homework turned in. even though i have a paper due next week, my weekend theoretically could start now.
i) pr0n and p00p. click. not for the weak hearted, but certainly not horribly disgusting. makes you wonder how the photographer gets these ideas, and how much aria giovanni gets paid.
j) can't want for fanime, however won't be able to bring airsofts to the con. i guess the tac vest will have to do.
k)gb! har har har...i crack myself up sometimes.
l) i can't think of anything right now.... but i'll make a new post up top when i come up with one!
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